1965 AMC Marlin
The Marlin is by far my favorite AMC vehicle, next to the AMX. I remember as a kid seeing these advertised on TV and I thought they looked cool! Here is one that needs some work but it is mostly there, but missing the Gen I AMC 4bbl manifold, they bring about $500! Nonetheless, it still has promise and would be a cool car at a car show once back on the road.
I passed a '67 Charger today and AMC should have sued Chrysler! Here are the two in comparison:
1) '67 Marlin - on the longer (less attractive than the Rambler platform in my opinion) Ambassador platform
2) '67 Dodge Charger
Yet the Marlin was a failure and the Charger was a winner!
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Just goes to show what's in a name. Which name is more macho, CHARGER or Marlin?0
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