1928 essex
diff ratio
the ratio 5.1 to 1 i would like to change it to 3.5 to 1 if poss0
Why would you want a 3.5 ?0
I wonder if the 3.5 :: 1 Gear sets being offered could be made to fit?
It would be intersting to open up a '27 to '29 Essex center section to examine the possibilties for installing those gears.
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the pin has 10 teeth and the wheel has 51 makes it a 5.1 ratio so to get a 3.5 ratio pin has 10 teeth and the wheel has350
The standard ratio for 11928 was 5.6 (56/10). In 1929 there was a higher gear of 5.1 for the roadsters and coupes, but that was it. It is possible to adapt an earlier 4 cyl unit into the housing, which has a 4.6 (56/12). It may be possible to get new gears machined with other ratios, but this would be very expensive. If you had a 3.5 ratio you would have to live in a very flat part of the country!0
I believe the car has a Toyota engine and transmission and probably has plenty of power but no speed0
1927 and 28 as well as 29 there were two ratios used. 5 1/10 and 5 6/10.
They will interchange.
All you gotta do is find the one you want.
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no mit l300 front brakes
dont know back brakes yet
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