Eliminating drum brakes and under floor mechanism in 51 hudson
in Street Rods
I want to know and see pictures of a setup with disc brakes and under floor brake components removed from Hudson and using a firewall master cylinder and hanging brake pedal like today's vehicles. That's of course if anyone has done this
Power brakes were at option 1954, they had a fire wall mounted booster and a pendulum pedal. The whole assembly can be retrofitted to any of the earlier stepdowns.
There are many discussions on the rest of the disc brake conversion process on this forum.0 -
Ive done it using a mid 2000 Chevy Malibu Swing pedal assy with Power Master Cyl by drilling 4 mount holes then Hole sawed center hole. I ran line from large chamber to front brakeS then small chamber to rear. No firewall flex...Midnite so will look for pic tomorrow.
I made my own disc brake Set-up too. I Cut the bracket from 3/8" plate, Chry Sebring Rotors, and GM Calipers. However, today I recommend contact Starbird for their Bracket then they give part numbers for all componets needed from local Auto Supply.0 -
WHY ???? Ft Disks & underfloor power is all you need. Heck of a lot simpler and couldn't be any better!
>>>> https://goo.gl/photos/QEtE7t64Ebs53teC80 -
RichardD said:WHY ???? Ft Disks & underfloor power is all you need. Heck of a lot simpler and couldn't be any better!
>>>> https://goo.gl/photos/QEtE7t64Ebs53teC80 -
Forgot Dual Master Cylinder; BUT my remote brake fluid container has a warning light that blinks on my dash whenever the level drops about 3/8" and container is 4" deep and 2' above master cylinder. I feel safe; plus Hudson's amazing emerg. brake system w/ underfloor !!
No maint. required anyway other than a MC rebuild !
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