‘46 and ‘47 Upper “A” arm spreader tool J-1680
In preparation to replace all the bushings in the front suspension in my ‘47 pickup, I have made an “A” arm spreader tool. I tried to copy the tool shown in the shop manual. As usual when I do stuff like this, I make extra components. So, while for instance, the lathe is set up to cut left hand threads, I make more than I need in case I mess something else. I have enough to make at least one more tool.
Once upon a time I was set up to make left hand threaded lug nuts for Studebakers, so I had a six-foot length of hex stock and a left hand 9/16-18 tap. Try going to Home Depot and find one of them.
So, is there anyone out there in need of this tool? The price is reasonable— you pay the shipping, and when you are finished with it, pass it on to someone else.
Tom; thanks for the offer to the group! When you make the outside gauge that goes across the control arm... I would like to purchase a duplicate if you make them available too. I have the KM spreader already. Ken0
I’m going to start rebuilding the front suspension on my 46 pickup over the next month or so and could use this tool if you still have the spare available?
-Lance0 -
Does anyone have the correct measurement that the outside gauge is set for?0
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