Is This the Godot I-6 Engine?
in Street Rods
Interesting.... Chrysler has been teasing this thing for close to 10 years. It just appeared as an option on the Jeep website as an option for the Grand Wagoneer.
No power rating, though... It's a 2k upgrade over the 6.4L Hemi, so presumably they'll be impressive.
Twin screws?... This could be interesting, real interesting.
No power rating, though... It's a 2k upgrade over the 6.4L Hemi, so presumably they'll be impressive.
Twin screws?... This could be interesting, real interesting.
Waiting for Godot?
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Yes, waiting for Godot. 👍
Dan, I hadn't seen that article yet. Interestingly, it seems to have disappeared from the Wagoneer configuration.0 -
bob ward said:Waiting for Godot?0
The problem is, it's so darn ugly! I'd wince every time I opened the bonnet.
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The complexity of the electronics and associated algorithms to run a Hurricane engine promises to be a brain numbing black box affair. Adequate aftermarket support to transplant this engine will take 3-5 years to develop. Want a modern I6 now? A few thousand proven turbo charged GM 4.2L Atlas engines are reliably and mercilessly pounding pavement and dirt around the world. Easily achieve 450Hp/550 Ft Lbs and IMHO have a much nicer looking package for +-$10K.
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StepUp said:The complexity of the electronics and associated algorithms to run a Hurricane engine promises to be a brain numbing black box affair. Adequate aftermarket support to transplant this engine will take 3-5 years to develop. Want a modern I6 now? A few thousand proven turbo charged GM 4.2L Atlas engines are reliably and mercilessly pounding pavement and dirt around the world. Easily achieve 450Hp/550 Ft Lbs and IMHO have a much nicer looking package for +-$10K.0
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