Front Seat Frame Squeak
Has anyone else dealt with a squeaky seat frame on a stepdown? My Hornet has had a squeak under the passenger side since I bought it. I finally pulled it out and it seems the squeak is coming from an area where there's 2 layers of sheet metal. I think the spot welds may have broken and allow the two pieces of sheet to rub together. Has anyone else encountered this?
You could drill a very small hole through the 2 sheets and thread a small bolt and screw and it may work.0
ken1962 said:You could drill a very small hole through the 2 sheets and thread a small bolt and screw and it may work.0
maybe a good healthy pop rivet. BTW, have you checked for mice? I found a rat skeleton in my Commadore front seat. And if I was going to build a mouse condo, I'd do it just like that seat with each spring covered in burlap.0
Oh, that's a good idea too. Although... This may be a good excuse to buy a small inverter MIG.
No mouse in the front seat. I found that carcass under the back seat.... Don't tell my kids. 😆0
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