Lock cylinder removal
Anyone know how to get the lock tumblers out of the trunk cylinder? It’s a 52 Wasp, the key turns the cylinder but I think it’s timed wrong when I put it in, so I shut the trunk and now it won’t open. There is a small hole in the face of the tumbler to release it but not sure if I’m doing it right. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Cheyenne, call me .704 792 911zero0
Generally on those old Hudson lock cylinders with the hole, you insert the key, turn all the way to the "open" position, then insert a pin (or similar long, slender steel thingie) into the hole and press. This releases a "stop" and allows you to turn the cylinder the rest of the way, at which time you can pull it out and remove it.0
Yeah that’s what I was thinking but haven’t found the trick0
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