I have many parts for sale. 48 Hudson Commodore
Anyone need parts 48 Hudson?
What do you have?0
Have just about everything. Too much to list.Bought car in great shape Only the seats were garbage. Selling engine , tranny, wheels, door handles. Some trim tail lights. Lots more0
If it was in great shape why did you part it out?0
Changing rims , tires, interior, paint and motor0
I dont have the money to make it all original because of the interior and suspension etc0
is it a sedan, coupe, convertible ,brougham ?0
Hubcaps...and any pics of them?..and ev. price?
0 -
Sedan. Red triangle in center of cap. Also outer ring0
Trouble uploading pic0
Yep I do. Do you have 2 headlight pots, the ones the lights go into. I have the inner bucket but need the rest to attach the chrome fitting onto. Also I have a set of 47 parking light spears and front housing but no front covers. Know where I can score these.0
Do you still have car for parts? Need door courtesy lights bulb holder assy, 2each, and factory turn signal switch if you have it.0
Another Chevy engined hot rod on the way!0
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