Robe Hanger (rope on back of front seat) Disassembly
Hi all,
Could anyone describe how to remove the fabric rope from the chrome handles?
Thanks in advance.
Could anyone describe how to remove the fabric rope from the chrome handles?
Thanks in advance.
Did you figure this out? If not let me know and I'll post pictures of a completely disassembled unit.
0 -
Step up,
I did not. Instead of grabbing a screwdriver and prying I was hoping to find some sort of guide. Thanks in advance!
Ray0 -
Figured it out!
Take the screw-in stud out of the inside of the handle.
Grab the rope/robe hanger thing.
Push the rope/robe hanger thing toward the handle while having the open hole from the removal of the stud vertically facing down.
Have a unthreaded pin fall from handle assembly onto your foot.
Repeat on the other side.
👍0 -
Right on! Sorry I hadn't read your reply until now. Glad you figured it out..
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