Hudson 8 Camshaft

I´m in need of a usable camshaft for my 1934 Hudson 8 LT ( 254 Engine ). 
I would really apreciate any info to find one.
Thank you 


  • 50C8DAN
    50C8DAN Senior Contributor
    Do you still have yours?  You may be able to get it reground.
  • Geoff
    Geoff Senior Contributor
    Any 8 cylinder cam '34-'52 will do the job.  
  • I have a good core, and I have a good cam guy that can regrind it, if you wish, with a profile that is more suitable for the fuel that is available today. The cam, as is, would cost $75.00 plus shipping. A regrind is $210.
  • Good afternoon

    Do you still have the camshaft core ‘? Also in need of a oil pump and cam followers

    thank you for your reply

