Need engine for 1929 Essex
I am in need of a 1929 Essex super 6 engine. 27 or 28 I hear will also work. If anyone has any leads it would be greatly appreciated.
You're looking for the complete engine, or just a good block and head?
What is your approximate location? (If someone does have an engine and happens to live near you, it would be an inducement for him/her to contact you.)0 -
Complete engine & gearbox on ebay UK today, hurry as not long left0
That went really quick , I can't find it! Can you post a link if you still have it?0
I'm in Southern Oregon coast. Will check on that lead thanks. Anymore leads would be greatly appreciated. Shipping from UK probably outrageous. Thank you Chris0
I really just need a block because all internal parts are good but would absolutely buy complete engine. My names Chris 503-881-15380
At that price, for a complete engine, it would be a good buy even having to freight to U.S. I wonder why it is for sale? Probably another rat rod project sadly.0
I've put the person who contacted me here in the UK looking for one onto it as well0
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