47 Sedan Location of frame VIN
Can anyone please tell me if a 47 has VIN numbers stamped on the frame and if so where exactly that location(s) might be?
A picture would help a lot.
I have looked in the Mechanical Procedure Manual section 16 page 275 where it discusses VIN tag on the passenger door A pillar and the engine block locations but no mention of frame locations like a stepdown.
Any help much appreciated.
A picture would help a lot.
I have looked in the Mechanical Procedure Manual section 16 page 275 where it discusses VIN tag on the passenger door A pillar and the engine block locations but no mention of frame locations like a stepdown.
Any help much appreciated.
on top of the right front frame rail between the upper control arm and the front body mount. (should be approximately below where the hood support mounts to the inner fender, I think.)0
54 Coupe is correct. Another place is on top of the rear axle housing, right side. Also on top of the frame around the right rear wheel. Lastly those numbers should match your engine block which is stamped between #1 and #2 cylinder exhaust ports0
Attached is a pic of my front right side frame rail. Just out of sight to the left is the cowl/firewall support brace. So before I start scraping paint are we talking between the support brace and the mount for the horns or forward of that where the frame splits ?0
Just to the left of the support bracket screws as per your image0
Wire brushed that area and not a thing there,0
Someone may have removed it. Check the top right of the rear axle housing. See if it matches your door tag and engine number0
The numbers are located just forward of the fire wall brace that bolts the body to the frame, I did not find mine until I sanded all the paint off. Good luck0
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