T-stat conversion for my 232
I' m having overheating problems when running at higher speeds and coming to traffic lights. I did the conversion some time ago and this issue just came up. Can someone give me the procedure on converting to a modern t-stat again. I want to change my thermostat and just want to make sure I'm doing it right. (Or did it right the first time) Thanks in advance.
There are other reasons car will begin run hot too but the conversion is Plug the gooseneck with a Cup Type soft plug, then drill a vent hole in center of plug, then install a 390 Ford Thermostat, and also drill an 1/8" Bi pass hole in thermostat on side
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Ken Cates has it posted in here: https://hudsonrestoration1948-54.com/I can't direct link inside his website, but it is in Cooling System Section under "SUGGESTIONS FOR IMPROVING YOUR ENGINE COOLING"
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Something that gets overlooked is the possibility that it may be the water distribution tube that is either clogged or having the slits or holes pinched off. This makes a major difference in cooling. Remove it and inspect it for those problems. Also, has the radiator been cleaned out recently? Generally the thermostat is the quickest and easiest problem to fix but you may want to investigate these other areas as well.0
Thanks guys for all the help.0
I did the t-stat conversion on my 50 Super 6 and didn’t make any difference. Before I did that I installed a new Dale Cooper water pump, but before I put it on I did remove the water tube and freeze plugs on the drivers side and did a major flush of the block with my pressure washer.0
I’ve had good success using Thermocure by Evaporust. It’s made to go in place of coolant to desolve the rust on the inside of the block. It definitely works well to clean out the rust. Rust is an insulator & prevents heat transfer so you may consider using it with distilled water.This was after my 1st draining after using Thermocure:0
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