Overdrive Questions
Hello, fellow Hudsonites.
I'm slowly gathering informations on my overdrive, that is a R9B-1from Borg-Warner and I want to know if I can still find the parts for the R9 and where, or if it is possible to use some internal parts from the next generation overdrive like the R10/R11. The advices from the experts will be apperiated.
I'm slowly gathering informations on my overdrive, that is a R9B-1from Borg-Warner and I want to know if I can still find the parts for the R9 and where, or if it is possible to use some internal parts from the next generation overdrive like the R10/R11. The advices from the experts will be apperiated.
Get with Al Saffrahn in Maricopa, Az. He's the guru, and he rebuilds them too. You will have to get his contact info out of the club roster.0
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