Overhaul Gaskets/Head Gasket for 262 Hudson engine.
I just tried to call Dale Cooper and see that he has closed? I would like to get Gaskets for a 262 Ci Engine. Can someone please recommend a vendor.
Olson's Gaskets. You will have to google them. They are in Washington, or Oregon. Great to do business with.... They even had gaskets for my Essex 4.0
Closed permanently? That will be a big loss to he Hudson community. I know he was hard to get a hold of, but still....
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Thank you, I'm waiting for a reply from them right now!0
Maybe Dale Cooper's closed just for the duration of the Hudson International Meet next week.0
Send an email to dbasauto@aol.com. He's a BEST GASKET distributor and a very good friend.
Tell him Eddie Hudson sent you!
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I just talked to him in Yipsee and bought a head gasket for my own 262 engine plus new bolts, i had e-mailed him earlier and then also talked to him on the phone to bring my stuff to the big show, He has a great selection of parts! Please have patience!0
I too talked to Dale at Ypsilanti and bought a Dana rear end cover gasket from him. He's doing just fine.0
Thank you all for your recommendations. I ordered from Olson's and received the gaskets, the engine is back together, now I'm wrestling with the stuck wet clutch!0
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