For sale, also looking for more info about my: Updraft Carbureter by Marvel Model VE 10-195
Hello, was once a member but had to sell my 1929 Hudson Super Six. I got this carburetor as part of the original purchase deal. It did not work for that car, so it has been sitting in my shop. I would like to sell it. I have pictures. It's in great shape, and was rebuilt from the original. The numbers on it are 10-195. Wording on it is Model "VE" Made in the USA. Marvel carbureter Co., Flint, Michigan. Patent dates and patent pending. Of course, there is the summer/winter switch. I cannot find one of these online anywhere. Would love feedback and more knowledge, would also like a buyer. I am located near Columbus, Ohio.
This is for a 1929 essexx0
Thank you!
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My 1929 Essex carby is a two jet and has a V on float bowl top, and casting numbers on side of air-elbo 10-140. Number on float bowl assy is 65-66
My 1930 Essex carby is a two jet and has VE on float bowl top, and casting numbers on side of air- elbow 10-195. number on float bowl assy is 65-89.
My 1931 Essex carby is a three jet and has no letters on top, casting numbers on air-elbo 10-195. number on float bowl assy is 65-101.
1929 carby's will not fit 1930 or 1931 or 1932 engine manifolds.
1930, 1931 will fit either year, both will run fine, from my experience.
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