1937 to 1939 Hudson or Terraplane Torque Arms
I am looking to buy 1937 to 1939 Hudson or Terraplane Torque arms. These are the arms that connect the axle to the frame. They are number 23 shown in the picture. I need one or I would buy two if they are available. Let me know what you have.
How about 1936, are those the same? I have a pair of those.0
No I am sorry to say but they are different. They have a bend in them and the tie rod goes through the arms where mine goes underneath them. Thank you.0
According to the Master Chassis Group Parts book 1930-1939 there are 6 different frame arms from '36 to '39. You will have to know the year and model.
Ivan L.
0 -
The year that I am working on is a 1939 model 92. The bar length end to end is 23 1/4". Thank you KEL 39.0
I will measure mine this weekend. I have a 37 front axle and arms.
Jeff0 -
It would be to know what car make has the same chassis/frame bush for the 36 and 37H cars. Was asked recently and I didnt know. In the past my local car parts place would go thru a thick book of bushes and find one similar.0
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