1928 Essex distributor and oil pump gear
I am looking for the small cluster gear that drives the distributor and oil pump on a 1928 Essex 6 cylinder. Anyone have any ideas where to find one? Any help would be very much appreciated.
On the attached parts list, see page 15. What parts shown there are you after?0
BM 61648 is the part number0
I looked for years and could not find one, for a 1929. It appears to be the same gear. I finally had one made by a machinist. Not cheap but it solved the problem.0
Pay attention to engines and parts engines for sale.
This person is selling 29 parts , apparently has full engine and chassis.
(3) Jasun Haley | Facebook
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I will look in my parts over the next day or so for you.0
Ok thanks for your help, I’ll keep looking0
I do not know the people but the seem to be selling the starter from the motor, might sell distributor mounting assy with the parts in it to you0
Today I found the box I was looking for. I have one spare so can you email me on Triangle at het dot org dot nz then we can communicate offline, thanks.0
I think I found the gear I need, if it isn’t the right one I’ll let you know. Thanks Scott0
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