WTB Overdrive
I'm looking for an overdrive in good condition for my 3 speed manual transmission single lever. R9B-1 would be prefered as I have one with loose sungears inside, but an R10 overdrive can work too I think ( correct me if I'm wrong on this one). Any idea where I can find an overdrive or parts for it?
Try FATSCO in NJ, they advertise in Hemmings Motor News. I’ve bought O/D parts from them in the past.0
Last time I checked I don't recall Fatsco selling any hard parts for these. Maybe things have changed?0
Al Saffrahn in Maricopa, AZ. is a good source for transmission related parts.0
I did sent an email to Al Saffrahm last time, but didn't have an answer from him yet. I'll be on the lookout for any clues to where I can grab the needed pasrt or an overdrive assembly.0
Most of the o/d were made by borg warner and are the same internally. The outer cases are different for different cars. I had to rebuild the o/d in a Nash-Healey and took the sun gear and freewheeling assembly out of a early 50’s two wheel drive Jeep and they worked fine.0
Roget Talent has several O/D transmissions. Talent R on this forum0
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