I'm looking for .030 pistons and rings for my 55, 308 engine. I have been trying to contact Dale Cooper all day without any luck. Is there any other sources for pistons and ring?
Thanks for any other input on my needed pistons
Thanks for any other input on my needed pistons
Keep trying I just talked to him last Friday and ordered .030 over pistons for an AMC 327 V8 and he had them.0
Thanks Dan. I'll keep trying to call Dale0
call in the morning....best time to catch Dale0
Is Friday the day, early morning is the best time to contact Dale Cooper?0
Does anyone know how long it takes to receive parts from Dale Cooper? On Thursday, I ordered pistons, rings and cam bearings0
I got mine in about a week. Actually, they are drop shipped from Kanter. Except Dale sells them for a lot less than Kanter!
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