Torque sequence
I'd suggest that you start out in the center of the head and out in a circle. Something similar to torquing a 5.9or 6.7 Cummins diesel head0
They are both a 6 cylinder head in the bolt pattern0
Any head or manifold yiu always start in the middle and work your way out. 65-70 Ft/lbs for a Hudson cyl head.0
From the 1952 Mechanical Procedure Manual
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Thanks for the help0
I use this sequence for a Hornet:
21 15 9 2 6 12 18
17 11 5 1 4 10 16
19 13 7 3 8 14 20
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Like 54coupe says. Use for all sixes from 1924 thru 1956 (except F-heads).0
Are those numbers based on the factory picture or the numbers you gave in a post in 2007? You gave numbers on right side, left side, and middle.
Also is that right side as you look at it from front of car?
John0 -
the front is to the left, but it doesn't matter as it is from the center out. That is the same as my sequence published some time ago.0
I believe Walt Mordenti pretty much recommended the same head bolt; torque sequence as suggested by 54coupe here.0
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