1936 Hudson Terraplane coupe
in Vehicles
I have a 36 coupe for sale, it has been in storage since 1961 it is a very solid car zero rust original paint. The glass is distorted from the heat and the car is mostly apart. But very much a solid car ready for restoration or put back together and drive. If interested call 724-417-1319 located near Pittsburgh Pa. Thank you Greg
Great car0
A photo might be helpful.0
- Without photos I'd be concerned it's a scam.
0 -
The phone number checks out to a lady who lives in PA and there is nothing untoward with it that I can see however photos always help when trying to sell a car0
I just saw an ad on Facebook for the car. With photos.0
If the glass has been distorted by the heat, then the sheet metal has been melted into a pile of metal.0
It looks like the glass is just delaminating. My '36 was the same way when I bought it.0
This is the Facebook post address where the pictures are located .... the same phone number is listed and the poster is names Greg Happ as Dany posted.
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