6 Volt to 12 Volt conversion
I have a friend that has a starter alternator business, trying to rebuild an original 6v generator to 12v, but can't find 12 volt armature (has bushing shaft) and 12v field coils to fit, anyone have info on doing this. My car has been converted to 12v with an ugly old gm alternator and would look better back to generator converted, 6v unit is new never used.
Try' 57 Ford. It's 12 volt and it's Autolite.0
Also, Powermaster makes a 6v alternator that looks like a gennie.
And they work great.
Jeff0 -
57 Ford has a different circuit , but if you are going 12 volt , you can use the matching regulator0
Thanks guys, gave me some ideas, may be selling this 6V
0 -
Chrysler went to 12V in 56. They were Autolite as well.0
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