WTB Essex Rear Seat Handrail
Does anyone have a 4ft handrail that goes on the back of the front seat of the 29-32 ish Essex Challenger?
The handrail was missing when I got it, so if any of you Essex Challenger owners have a photo of yours, please send!
This is where it would have been, and the mount left a badge/shiield-type imprint.0 -
I can make you the left and right mounting brackets, and you can fit a stainless or chromed brass rod between them.0
Interesting option. Do you have an example of one?
How much would that cost, shipped to KC Missouri?0 -
Is this the same car you're putting the 350 chevy in?0
eBay USA has a few 'car robe rails' for sale. Noticed a chap selling new stock 1930s robe rails' and even an Auburn rail for $500 (a real optimistic figure..not )
Also have you considered that Ford model A restoration sites in the USA have new hand rails for sale.. although not actually the same as Essex are quite smart and readily available. (I'm quite jealous that you can rebuild the ford T and A using new parts from these sites just like modern cars.. sigh!!
Cheers ken0 -
It's not for the same car. I have one that's all original and I'd like to find an original rail for this one. But if I don't, I may be contacting you. Do you have photos of your design?0
Geoff said:Here you go, robe rail brackets among others.I didn't realize they have the acorn designs! They look great! Do you also have the ash tray that goes in the back of the front seat under the robe rail?0
Sorry, no ash tray. I have the molds to get the arms cast, takes a month or so.0
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