1929 Essex Challenger Carburetor parts or rebuild kits
So, my '29 Essex has the Super Six, with a Marvel carb (10-140), and I can't seem to find parts or a rebuild kit for it. Well, I found one but they want almost $500 for what I need. I would love to rebuild the whole thing, but I really only need the metering pin, link & plunger assembly.
Does anyone have a good source for pre-war, hard to find carburetors or parts?
I've spent hours online searching without success.
Possible part/kit numbers:
286, 556, 173-545
I'll pull the trigger on the expensive option, if I have to. But the source also wants 16-20 weeks to provide it. I need more options! Thanks in advance.
He's getting ready to retire , only works a couple days a week I think.0
lostmind said:He's getting ready to retire , only works a couple days a week I think.0
the metering pin, link & plunger assembly/
Is your s the one with threads to hold top in, or the one held in eith the two ears to hold it in?
0 -
We talked on the phone, but need answer to above question. Or show a good picture of your carb, showing areas of missing parts.0
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