wiper transmission
Senior Contributor
My pass. side wiper trans cable broke, are the left and right the same or not interchangeable. 1951 Super Six. Thanks in advance. Rich
If it doesn't involve the cable near the pulley, a quick, simple repair would be to use an electric crimp connector between the two pieces of broken cable. The previous owner of a 1950 Pacemaker I owned had made this repair and it lasted at least the 29 years that I owned the car and worked just fine every time I used the wipers.0
railknight said:If it doesn't involve the cable near the pulley, a quick, simple repair would be to use an electric crimp connector between the two pieces of broken cable. The previous owner of a 1950 Pacemaker I owned had made this repair and it lasted at least the 29 years that I owned the car and worked just fine every time I used the wipers.0
You should be able to buy cable at your hardware store. You will then need two splices
with the new section around the pivot. Worked for me.0 -
lostmind said:You should be able to buy cable at your hardware store. You will then need two splices
with the new section around the pivot. Worked for me.0 -
Richie check your email.0
Update, last week I went to Ace Hardware, bought some cable and two connectors and spliced the new cable in. I was lucky as the connectors were just out of reach of the pulley wheels. Wipers work just fine. Thanks for your suggestions, they helped. Richie.0
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