Still looking for 34T air cleaner

dholck Expert Adviser
I'm still looking for a 34Terraplane original air filter.  Anybody have one to sell?


  • tigermoth
    tigermoth Expert Adviser
    Have you tried Eastern Regional Fall meet at Hershey?
    regards, Tom
  • ski4life65
    ski4life65 Expert Adviser
    If you get desperate, I have one that is close in appearance.
  • tigermoth
    tigermoth Expert Adviser
    This is not helpful in sourcing your ‘34 unit, but are the ‘34-‘35 units really air filters? Aren’t they really just flame arrester/noise suppressors? I have a ‘35 and I have my one ‘34/‘35 unit sitting on the shelf while I use another period correct oil bath filter when I drive. 

     I found my correct unit at a Hudson National meet. . I think you may have success at Hershey or even a regional parts swap meet. 
    Regards, Tom
  • Tom - they’re oil wetted so they do provide some rudimentary “air cleaning”.  Not like a good oil bath though
  • dholck
    dholck Expert Adviser
    Gentlemen; Thanks for the feedback.  California to Pennsylvania is a little too far to go for an air cleaner.  The car has had a small after-market air filter on it for many years and it works fine.  If I got an original can, I would modify it for modern air filter media.  I'm just looking to make it look more original under the hood.

    ski4life65; thanks.  I have one like that one on the left.  Neck has to be modified to fit the carb.