Pulled the clutch to find this…
wow... got full use of all the corks!0
Holy Smokes0
It looks like it's been used without any corks at all!! It must have worked dreadfully badly.
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Gasket too thin. with the correct gasket the clutch should slip badly long before this happens.0
Get it refaced with Kevlar - not corks - and take care to set the clutch fingers exactly right.0
Well look on the bright side. No clutch plate stuck to the flywheel.0
Amazing....was it emitting any unusual sounds?0
He was drag racing a '53 Cadillac and all of a sudden down in the gears his Terraplane was knocking, a red light was blinking and the cops were after his hot rod Terraplane....0
Now that is funny.0
When I bought the 37 coupe 20+ years ago the clutch was slipping so bad I couldn’t even drive it, so it sat.Around 6 years ago, I started working on the coupe to finally get her back on the road & enjoy her. The last thing I was going to do was the clutch but it appeared to be grabbing now. Not having done a clutch before I thought I’d let it go for the time being, as it appeared to work. After 500 miles of breaking in the work I did to the engine it started to slip again but never made any grinding or other noises.I’d never have thought it would come out cork-less. Indeed someone before me sure got all the life & more from this coupe’s original clutch. I’ll be upgrading to a 10” clutch (pressure plate & fly wheel) in case I decide to do a bit more performance work to the old 212 in her or put a 254-8 in her. Love the sound of an 8 cylinder!!!0
What? Aren't those holes for heat dissipation?? ;-)
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And definitely don’t have to worry about the clutch fluid not squeezing out…0
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