1932 through 1934 Terraplane Kingpin Bushing Kit
Hi, my Right kingpin was broken. Yes, in two pieces at the keyway. I need the cap or grease fitting cap to repair my newly acquired 1933 Terraplane. It is the uppermost part on the end of the axle. I have a good new pin and lower bushing, but not the top. Also could use some shims to complete. Please let me know.
Tom Legbandt, either in New Jersey or Florida. You can call me as my number is in the book.
Tom Legbandt, either in New Jersey or Florida. You can call me as my number is in the book.
I’ve seen and purchased KP kits on eBay. I have a ‘34 Terraplane0
Repair kits aren't difficult to find, but shop around as some sellers are asking crazy prices.0
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