Bell Housing Cross Shaft Repair
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I made a new cross shift a few years ago, what problem(s) are you trying to solve?0
Only problem is the play in the shaft front to back (as it sits in the car). I’ve been told the slight play I have needs to be fixed. Thus I’m wondering what others have done; fix or not; what tricks used to remove pins; replacement bushings; any other insight to the process.0
You have 3 options, from easy to very hard they are:-
Use what you have, make use of clutch linkage adjustment to get around slop in the cross shaft.Find a bell housing with a better cross shaft.
Remove the cross shaft, establish if the wear is in the shaft or the bell housing or both, rectify wear. Best to avoid this one unless you or a good friend have access to a machine shop.0 -
Getting ready to finally get the coupe back together but wanted to share a short video I took of the play in the cross shaft on the left side of bell housing. I’d like to fix it but just don’t have the ability to secure it to drill out or machine things for bushings once out.
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