Wooden spoke wheel
If I take the big nut off the wheel ,will the sokes come off the brake drum? I want to sand and stain the wooden spokes.
No, I don't think so. They are held on with the small bolts around the hub. I have not taken the drums off when I have refinished my wheels. It is a pain bit I figured it was easier than getting things out of balance or trying to get the rusted nuts and bolts apart.
I just used lots of masking tape and did multiple steps. I think they came out well but not concourse, but what is?
Jay0 -
The pic is a 1926 custom bodied Hudson
Jay0 -
Ok, that's kinda what I thought. I didn't want something to come apart that I would regret. Thank you. By the way, that's a very beautiful car. It looks very nice. I just got done painting mine. Pictures coming in a few days.0
DO NOT DISMANTLE THE SPOKES!!!!!!!!! Did I emphasise that? You will need a special jig to get them back together, and it is likely that the wheel will never be tight again, resulting in fretting and failure.0
Ok, yes that's what it looked like to me. I just wanted to confirm my suspicions. Thank you for the insight.0
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