Reconditioning a cam and lifters
I know this topic has been possibly been beat to death.
I'm planning to have my 55, 742 camshaft and hydraulic lifters reconditioned by Delta Camshaft in Tacoma Washington. Has anyone ever done this before?
Thanks in advance, Wookie
I'm planning to have my 55, 742 camshaft and hydraulic lifters reconditioned by Delta Camshaft in Tacoma Washington. Has anyone ever done this before?
Thanks in advance, Wookie
To let everyone know in advance, I'm using Jack Clifford intake and headers on my engine. This is why I'm using hydraulic lifters in my engine. I got a good used set of hydraulic lifters from Al in Arizona0
I had my hydraulic lifters redone by Mizpah when getting my engine back together. Original cam and 1 lifter were shot in my transplant engine. Tracked down a decent cam and a couple 'new' lifters (for a bakers dozen, just in case...) so far, so good after 5 years...0
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