First 2 Twin Vortex Heads are done!
The first two heads completed machining yesterday and they will be leak-tested today. Then they are off to final inspection and on car testing. So far so good!
Looks great
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Sharp workmanship! Are you making a few extra heads for slow wallets like mine?
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I like the look at the new head. It does look sharp. I'm looking forward to the day when I can get mine.0
I will make a handful extra beyond what is on order to meet the min required number for the price I was given. However, anyone ordering a head after the current run is done will see a price increase so I would not wait too long if you want to get one at the introductory price. It remains to be seen if we will make any more after this run.0
What compression ratio will this head produce on a standard bore/standard piston 262ci?
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308 is 8.4, 262? probably around 7.6 to 7.8. However, you could easily mill it down to increase the CR as there is plenty of material to do that.0
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