1950 shift column clamp locations.
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I'm trying to get my '50 single lever shifter to move to first and reverse after replacing the chrome tube and fixing the slop in the shifter arm. Should the adjustable clamp for the shifting cable be all the way down next to the clamp that holds the jacket tube in place? There's' a knurled area on the chrome jacket tube that wasn't on the old tube I removed which can be seen in the picture. Should the adjustable shifting clamp cover that knurled area? Terry
Also, on the other end, I have about one inch of space between the steering wheel and the end of the shifter. Is this close to being correct? If I move the clamp for the adjustable shifting cable down to the knurled area I think that will increase that distance by the amount I move the cable clamp. see picture Terry0
To answer my own question, after much tinkering, I found that the adjusting clamp that goes around the chrome steering tube jacket works best when it is tightened with about 1/8 to 1/4 inch of clearance above the bottom of the steering tube to steering box clamp. Car shifts pretty good and the cable adjustment for 1st and reverse is basically in the middle of it's adjustment. Terry0
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