wet clutch material and thickness.
Looking for the cork material used on a wet clutch on a 1926 Essex Hudson or whatever they use today, also the thickness of them. If possible that the plugs are already made that would be a great, I believe there are 168, I may be wrong.
Thanks Bernie
Looking for the cork material used on a wet clutch on a 1926 Essex Hudson or whatever they use today, also the thickness of them. If possible that the plugs are already made that would be a great, I believe there are 168, I may be wrong.
Thanks Bernie
No. 5 corks, trimmed to 1/32" MAXIMUM. Any more and the clutch will not disengage.0
I’m gonna throw this out there as I’m sure others will chime in too, but I’d highly recommend sending your clutch to Wildrick if you’re in the United States.0
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