1935 Terraplane head problem!

Ern Senior Contributor
I have a 1935 Terraplane built Jan 1935 where the head has deteriorated to the extent it needs replacing because the water holes are too corroded. The spare heads I have are of A DIFFERENT COMBUSTION CHAMBER- mine has a shallow chamber and marginally wider and longer and the replacements are deeper and narrower. Can anyone tell me the difference please? could the replacements be 1934 heads and will I lose too much power? Regards Ern.


  • KEL 39
    KEL 39 Member
    I have a 1935 Hudson head for sale planned .o10 

    Ivan L.
  • Geoff
    Geoff Senior Contributor
    Yes, you will have a 1934 head.   The difference was the combustion shape, as you note.   Advertised b.h.p. was 80 in 1934 and 88 in 1935, and the only difference was the compression ratio and the shape of the cam followers.  
  • Hans
    Hans Senior Contributor
    Have seen two styles of heads. One labeled Power Dome and the high compression Super Power Dome.

    In addition two part heads with aluminum lower head with combustion chamber and the upper with water jacket.