Center of hood hinge point
In need of some help here... I was working towards getting my 37 coupe's hood attached & found one side doesn't have the "S" shaped piece that the center of hood stainless trim interlocks with to hold the two halves together. After further examination it looks like these pieces were spot welded onto the hood. So would anyone have this piece?
Below is a picture head on of the piece I’m missing from the other side of the hood. These interlock with the center of hood stainless piece. Thanks!!
See what is available in the Model A world.0
Mack truck.0
If you're using the Mack truck hinge, you need to open it up a bit on both sides or you'll gouge your paintwork.0
Can you describe “opening up” the Mack truck center stainless because that is what I have & planned on using unless there is better?0
There's a thread somewhere on the HET website that describes how to do this.
From memory, it involves tapping a suitable diameter steel rod down both sides of the hinge strip and using a lot of lubricant during assembly.
I didn't know that and scraped a lot of paint off getting it on.0 -
I recall something similar, maybe a steel wedge was made & run down the inside of the trim piece. I looked through all my saved links but nothing was found. I’m not having luck with a search either. Maybe the individual will see this & show it again!0
It's definitely on the website somewhere.
Maybe Paul Butler or Jon B can help you find it ?0 -
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