Need wiper cable connector...
Senior Contributor
I need the ZAMAK wiper cable connector for a stepdown Hudson. I seem to have melted one as I welded a coupler to my wiper actuator assembly...
Just seeing if someone (I got a few guesses who 😉) has just that... or just this assembly... before I go through the trouble to make my own.
I get this figured out I'll share my new power wiper setup.
Thanks fellas!
Just seeing if someone (I got a few guesses who 😉) has just that... or just this assembly... before I go through the trouble to make my own.
I get this figured out I'll share my new power wiper setup.
Thanks fellas!
No problem. would you like the setup with both on the link or just the connector by itself?0
Just the connector Lance. No sense in doing my adapter twice... send me a message with details.
Got a Specialty Power Windows wiper kit with 2-speed w/ intermittent and washer control from a friend. Used one of the wiper towers to replace the kludged motor I had there before. Went pretty easy, but the switch housing is huge and I still need to figure out mounting for it.0
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