Coil springs 46 truck
What’s Napa or similar part number. I have the 254 in my truck as well.
you can get the correct springs from Wildrick0
I’m in western Canada, was hoping for a part number so I can get locally. Thank you for the suggestion!0
I would be surprised if you could find a NAPA part number for coil springs. I get my springs from Eaton Detroit Spring. They ship anywhere.
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Trucks came with eight cylinder springs from the factory.0
Not true. Here’s the parts book:
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Here’s the Moog chassis chart for Hudson 46 through 56:
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Talking with Eaton, they don’t make coil springs for trucks. They have a super six/eight coil springs marked as heavy duty which to me sounds like the truck springs. Trying to get clarification from them.0
I found this morning that Coil Spring Specialties out in Kansas has the specs and can make the front coil springs.
Toddh…. Thank you.Longlivelance , yes the spring rates are all listed in the parts book.0
They are but several shops said they couldn’t make them that I’ve called, including Eaton. This is the first I’ve found that could so thought I’d share to save someone time if they’re looking like I’ve been. That’s what lead me to this thread. Good luck on your build!0
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