Radiator Repair
Thought I would throw this out for what it is worth. I posted a need to have my 50C8 radiator repaired. it is the original and had developed a number of leaks around the top tank seam. Almost all the radiator shops in the northern DE/SE PA area have long closed. I did find one but the owner had had a heart operation and was closed for now, may or may not reopen. So, I happen to often go to Chattanooga TN for business and checked out Duffy's radiator. He did a great job, completely disassembled the top tank, rodded the radiator and fully cleaned, reassembled with silver solder, pressure checked and painted. Looks great. Cost me $200 but I don't think I will have to repair it again for a while. So if you are in the Chattanooga area thumbs up to Duffy's!
This is great to hear. I wonder whether you could buy a new radiator these days for less than $200. Thanks for the tip.
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HIghly doubtful. It would need to be a custom aluminum one as I don't think anyone makes brass/copper ones any longer. Even read made aluminum ones for street rods start at about $300 and up.0
$200 & it was done right not hacked or ruined… priceless!!0
Spectra Premium CU340 on Amazon for $188 has worked well for my 49 Club Coupe.
Square top looks period correct and works with AT or straight drive. Requires one side of the mounting channel to be cut off to fit right. Application is: 1965 Dodge A100 van.0
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