1937 Hudson pickup tool kit
Can anyone tell me if a 37 Hudson pickup came with a factory tool kit and Jack with lug wrench? I have looked and can’t find the answer. Thanks in advance for the replies.
The parts manual has a list of the tool kit parts, and says they are for all cars and trucks including pickup and stationwagon:Spark plug wrenchMonkey wrenchEnd wrenchHammerPliersScrew driverStarting crank and wheel bolt wrenchStarting crank extension
In addition, all vehicles except the chassis with cab, cab pickup, and stationwagon -- in other words, "regular cars" -- would have included bumper jack 151431 made up of:Jack base assemblyJack screw (the vertical part of the jack that attaches to the base)Jack handle
The chassis with cab , the cab pickup, and the stationwagon would have included all of the above tool kit parts, but would have used a different jack #40693. This jack included a jack, jack handle adapter and jack handle lock ring. I guess this would have been designed to lift the rear of those trucks which had no bumper.0
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