1951 262 timing chain
few question regarding a 51 262 big 6:
-what amount of timing chain slack/deflection is acceptable?
-should inner "wear tab" mounted on inside of cover be replaced (what is an acceptable wear amount?)
-a little confused about front crank seal behind balancer....cant seem to find replacement that matches current stock style
-should the metal sleeve in the front cover remain in cover or remain on crank?, seems very loose on crank but too tight in cover (looks like front cover seal, seals to this metal sleeve and not to the crank, correct?)
-what amount of timing chain slack/deflection is acceptable?
-should inner "wear tab" mounted on inside of cover be replaced (what is an acceptable wear amount?)
-a little confused about front crank seal behind balancer....cant seem to find replacement that matches current stock style
-should the metal sleeve in the front cover remain in cover or remain on crank?, seems very loose on crank but too tight in cover (looks like front cover seal, seals to this metal sleeve and not to the crank, correct?)
Seal is a National 450084, Advance auto has them for around $5 (just bought a couple) and yes it seals on the sleeve which is supposed to be on crank. I'd replace chain if you've taken it this far apart, these engines are known for stretching timing chains.0
Also you can get from either a machine shop or Napa, a stainless steel repair sleeve to go over the crank sleeve if it had a groove worn into from the old seal. Otherwise your new seal will leak.0
The spacer is held on tight by the front pulley bolt.0
alright so it looks like I will need a new spacer and seal for sure....when it comes to the chain how much chain "play" is normal. I hear alot of people say they bought new to replace one that looked "stretched" only to find out the new one is no tighter. So curious to know what people found was the deflection distance with a new chain, so I can compare it to the current one.0
If you lay the timing chain on a flat surface (not on it's side), the chain shouldn't touch. If it touches or is close to touching, there is too much stretch.0
If you flip the spacer around 180 degrees will the seal ride in the same location as the existing groove?0
I think one edge of that spacer is chamfered so that the seal will go over it.0
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