3 speed over drive mystery part
took apart 51 262 3 speed over drive and found remains of some type of round seal, rubber band size and color, cant tell where it came from any help or insight appreciated
Not a part of the transmission, looks like somebody used a rubber band to keep those roller bearings in position during assembly and a piece got stuck in the trans. They are tricky to keep in position when going back together.0
that was my first thought, but I wanted to confirm with someone who would know, as I have never had one of theses trans apart, thank you0
That's what it is, certainly.0
agree completely. They call out using one in the 42-47 Mech Procedure but I sure didn't want that rubber band floating around in there. I just use extra grease and take extra care when assembling0
same thing here, I packed them in with extra grease and it slide right together as I didn't like the idea of a rubber band floating around in there either.0
rubber band a common practice, not just on Hudsons. rubberband won't hurt anything in the transmission.0
I have used rubber bans to hold roller bearings in place during several transmission rebuild with no ill effects,Jc0
So there is a some truth to saying “the rubber band broke” in a car!0
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