Hudson Radiator Repair Recommendation
hi - i've seen some posts lately about difficulty getting old radiators, i.e., Hudson radiator's repaired, and using aluminum replacements, etc.
I had my '53 hornet radiator rebuilt recently at Greenwood Radiator Services here in Seattle - - this business has been around for decades, and came highly recommended
my radiator was working quite well, but there were some small pin prick leaks and i didn't want to push my luck any further - the owner, ron, at greenwood checked out my radiator and said it was previously recored with a GM product no longer used with smaller 3/8” tubing - ron saw that 3 tubes were leaking (1 top 2 bottom) and there were some potential weak spots at the top of the tank
ron suggested 5/8” tubing for the recore, fewer rows, more efficient, all copper - i removed the radiator with a buddy, dropped it off, and less than 2 weeks later, i had a newly re-cored radiator - so far it's works great even in the mid-90's in traffic and at speed
so if you can't find any place to fix your old copper radiator and you don't mind shipping, i highly recommend this business - hope this helps - no affliiation
images attached are of old radiator core, dirty coolant from old radiator, re-cored new radiator, view of new large cooling tubes
Have had Ron do various radiator modifications/repairs and always quality work and fair prices0
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