WTB Torque Converter for H51 Hydramatic
Courtesy Man
Expert Adviser
It occured to me to ask if someone has a torque converter for sale for the Hydramatic trans and to ask if they are the same 1951-54 or if single range / dual range made any difference, or any other changes. I know Bitburger has the whole trans assembly but I just need the torque converter having a 1951 rebuilt Hydramatic trans. Thanks Gert
What part of the country are you?0
I am in SLC, UT0
I’ll check, when I get home sometime in the week, and see if I have a spare trans that I can part with the torus cover. I’m in Lubbock, TX0
Thank you Cheyenne as long as it is for a Hornet it should be correct. Gert0
Are the Hornet torque converters interchangeable year to year? Anyone have a spare so I can complete the rebuilt Hudramatic transmission for the 1951 Hornet Club Cpe? Gert0
Gert, I apologize for the delay, I don’t have a spare one right now.0
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