51 carpet
I am trying to locate the proper carpet set for a 51 commodore 6 (2 dr) the issue I am running into is this commodore looks just like a 51 hornet, inside and out, (some tell me that means its a commodore "club coupe") sets sold do not seem to be the proper layout, but I don't have any original to go by, so I don't know what it should look like.
please advise, what the proper layout of the carpet should look like to be correct, if either below are correct and suggested place to get them from.
please advise, what the proper layout of the carpet should look like to be correct, if either below are correct and suggested place to get them from.
You might try Kanter. Some carpets fit very poorly in Hudsons - ask me how I know!0
Keep in mind that you should have access to the master cylinder and Hydra-Matic (if equipped).0
I'll keep this in mind.
Can any one show me the proper layout style of the carpet, if it should look like first pic or second? I am finding the carpet but no one knows which is correct, and I don't have my original to reference. (51 hudson commodore club coupe) many vendors list both.0
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