San Simeon, All California meet
Good morning, I am trying to get a transmission cover to David Houghton in Oakley, California. I don't really trust any shipping organizations to get it there without destroying it. I can bring it to San Simeon, wrapped in cardboard and stretch wrap, so it will be clean, and with no sharp edges. Is there anyone in Nor. Cal. that can take it home with them, and David can pick it up from them? Any help would be appreciated.
Dan---I often drive to Tracy CA often which is 25-30 miles from Oakley. Ask David if he's willing to meet me in Tracy (1 hour round trip for him). When is meet by the way? Same place?
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I know he will, as we spoke of something similar.. It is at the San Simeon Lodge, September 29th through October 1st.0
Dan—Just to be clear —-is it a cover for the bottom of the tranny (to protect the flywheel) or the large removable floor board cover that sits above the tranny? I suspect it’s the latter big dude but please confirm.0
It is the removable floorboard.0
I'll shoot you a PM
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I’ll watch for it.0
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