Help? Need Measurement on a 1940 rear fender please!
My new project is a '40 coupe. The rear fenders apparently had substantial rot damage and prior owner welded new metal, but did not complete the wheel wells. I'd like to save these fenders. If I had the piece of metal cut off as depicted in the attached photo (taken by prior owner), I'd have a better idea of how to complete the wheel well openings, but I don't have that piece. Would someone be willing to take a measurement of total width of wheel opening (along the bottom edge) - it won't be precise given the curvature of the well terminations - a photo with the tape measure in place at both ends of the wheel opening showing the two points from which the measurement was taken would be ideal. Thanks much, Douglas
My 40 sedan has the full wheel opening... If that measurement will help you, let me know.0
Thanks. Look for the 60% openings. Douglas0
My 40 is 27inch at the bottom opening0
Thank you!
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