Possible new oil pump
I've been going through all the old threads, concerning oil pumps for a 308 engine. I have found a lot of references to a new drive gear. This is not what I'm looking for.
What I'm looking for is a new oil pump for my engine. Mine set for a large number of years and actually rusted up I got it to where it will work and I can prime it with oil and make it work.
When I rebuild my engine I prefer to put a new oil pump with my engine. As I said the rotor and gears have rust on them. Are there any suggestions on how to clean these out to make them look clean and polished without getting a new oil pump?
What I'm looking for is a new oil pump for my engine. Mine set for a large number of years and actually rusted up I got it to where it will work and I can prime it with oil and make it work.
When I rebuild my engine I prefer to put a new oil pump with my engine. As I said the rotor and gears have rust on them. Are there any suggestions on how to clean these out to make them look clean and polished without getting a new oil pump?
If you can't find a better pump try this: Line2Line Coatings™
If I ever tear down to that level again, I'll probably send my rotor and gear in.0
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