Spark plugs
Is the champion spark plugs N4C for an engine with points or for a more advanced ignition system
Points should be fine. It comes up as a small engine, lawn-mower, type plug when you search.0
The one problem I have is. I have an actual GM HEI built for my engine. I need to find the equivalent plug that would work for an HEI in my 308 engine.0
I have been running a GM HEI and all of my general motors vehicles starting with my 1968 Oldsmobile 442. I had the second generation 400 in my engine.0
HEI won't care, you just need to observe what gap it likes. Just a little bit of test and tune. Start with a 'average' GM HEI spark gap and go from there.0
So the suggested spark plugs will work with my set up
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Shouldnt be a problem.0
Try a gap of .045- .050 and see how it runs.0
Thanks for all of the input about the spark plugs
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